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Spanish (Modern Foreign Languages)


We are a very multi-cultural school at St Richard’s and aim to celebrate many different languages and cultures in a range of ways across the school.  To support our wider aims for the formation of our children we also intend children to make substantial progress in one particular language (Spanish) in order to:


  • Enjoy the challenge of learning another language
  • Lay the foundations for the further learning of languages in KS3 and beyond
  • Learn about another language and culture in order to respect and appreciate difference
  • Begin to learn practical skills to support them as global citizens



We have set out a skills progression document outlining the intended focus for each year group; this document forms the basis of our assessment.

Medium term planning is adapted from the Language Angels  and Speakee schemes of work and parents are informed of the focus each term from the curriculum overview.


Spanish  is taught in a fun, multi-sensory way with a strong emphasis on speaking and listening through games and conversations.  Children learn to practically communicate basic Spanish and progress to more challenging themes higher up the school.  They also learn to read and write in Spanish and learn about grammar, culture and learn to appreciate Spanish songs, poems and rhymes.


Children are regularly given the opportunity to express themselves in their own language and learn from each other.  Our library has a range of books in different languages and we try to expose children to a range of languages in class for example by welcoming children using different languages or saying the register in a different language.  

We are also having a Spanish day in October where children will learn a more about the culture of Spain.


This year we will running  Young Interpreters in a different way with representatives in class.. This way children can  help each other  with translation.   Later this academic year we are hoping to have an international themed day across the school, more to follow later. 

