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St Richard's Catholic

Primary School

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EAL ( English as an additional language) )

Here at St Richard's we welcome children from all around the world. We value their culture and language. Currently we have over 18 different languages spoken in our school and 49% of our children have English as an additional language. Some of our children join us with little or no English whilst others have good communication skills in English. We aim to provide an accessible curriculum for all and we are working on developing our curriculum to reflect the diversity of our pupils. 



What can you do at home? 

It is important that your first language us used at home alongside English as this gives children access to a rich vocabulary. 

Explore your culture with your child and share this with us in school. 


Flash Academy

Some children have been given access to this site. Your teacher will have provided you with logion details, if this is the case and will be setting your child activities they can complete that will support your child in developing their skills in English. There are also lots of fun games they can access. 


It can be accessed on computers, laptops, tablets and phones.  


In the class. 

Every class has an EAL Young Interpreter who is responsible for a class display and promoting different languages and culture. These children befriend and act as buddies to our EAL children. 


Across the School 

Year 5/6 Young Interpreters

Our Older Young Interpreters are currently being trained so they can become our ambassadors for EAL with a range of roles including supporting children across the school particularly on the playground, showing visitors around and developing materials that can help pupils at our school with accessing English. 


What else can you do? 

We are looking for parents that can act as translators so we can provide our parent information in different languages, If you can help please contact Mrs Phillips via the office. 


Upcoming Events

We will in the future be running workshops to support you and your child with reading, writing and maths. Look out for parentmail notification. 


