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St Richard's Catholic

Primary School

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Elm, Beech and Silver Birch (Yr3/4)

Welcome to the Year 3/4 Class Page. We will use this page to share what the children have been up to, as well as sharing important information and resources with you. 


Here are a few reminders about the school day:


  • Learning begins at 8.40am and the school day finishes at 3.10pm. 
  • We will be outside for breaks in all weathers so it is essential to bring a waterproof coat!
  • Please only bring your lunch and water bottle. Small bags or rucksacks only please.
  • P.E. kit to be worn on P.E. days on Tuesday and Thursday. 
  • Keep an eye on the weekly Newsletter for information about P.E. days, Forest School etc. 


We are always here to support our families so if you are in need in any way, please get in touch, either by phoning or emailing the school office.


With very best wishes, 

The Year 3/4 team
