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Friends of St Richard’s


Welcome to The Friends of St Richard's page!


The Friends are a group of parents, carers, teachers and staff, who create fund raising opportunities and initiatives to benefit all children at the St Richard's Catholic Primary School in Chichester. 


We aim to enable the children, their families and the school community at large to get involved and enhance their experience. Extending the warm and friendly family focus of our school. 


All new parents are automatically members of The Friends and we welcome every parent to attend our meetings, which are advertised on our website and through Parent Mail. It’s a chance to get involved with up and coming events and discuss ideas for future fundraisers. The Friends have organised many events this year so far from the children's disco, the Advent fayre, an adult only wreathe making workshop, coffee mornings, craft workshops and cakes sales! We have exciting events coming up this year so keep an eye on our website for details throughout the year!   


The funds we help to raise, subsidise social and educational activities for the children and help towards the purchase of additional items for the school. Over the last few years the Friends have raised money towards: the adventure playground, scooter pods, new Ipads, books, theatre trips, the adventure trail, science workshops, the Early Years outside area, new books and interactive white boards in every class. Last Christmas the Friends provided £100 for each class at Christmas time to spend on things for their class. We also treat the children every year to ice-lollies in the summer and treats at Christmas and Easter. 


Please visit our website to see what exciting events we have coming up, to donate your money or time and to keep up to date with everything Friends related.


Please come and get involved, we believe that if we each do a little, we can make a BIG difference together! 


Visit our Friend's Webpage for more information: 

The Friends of St Richard's 


The Friends Committee 



The Friends past events
