Open up the following links to see our long term plans for maths. Click on a unit of work to access film clips that demonstrate some of the core concepts we teach.
Our school uses The White Rose maths scheme. The scheme has been designed by maths experts and provides comprehensive planning and resources to ensure all children can make good or better progress throughout the year.
Because the maths curriculum is designed in year groups, your child will be taught the content appropriate to their age. That said, we are trained to ensure we can tailor tasks for all abilities to enable all children to feel confident and challenged during lessons.
The White Rose scheme has produced videos to help parents understand the strategies teachers will be focusing on when teaching. They are definitely worth taking a look at (see below). Children will be using maths workbooks this year, along side maths jotter books.
Helping children learn their times tables is so important in Year 3 and 4. By the end of Year 4, children are expected to know ALL of their times table to 12x. We regularly assess their times table facts and your child will receive feedback every time, to help them plugs gaps in their learning.
At the end of Year 4, children will participate in the government times table test. This is online and the children will be given a mark out of 25. There is no pass rate, but we aim for all children to get 20-25. This will help them cope with the Year 5 curriculum.
Please speak to our team if you have any questions about maths.