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Thursday- Class Liturgies

Our Thursday assembly takes place in the classroom. Each class participates in planning and setting up a whole class liturgy. Our Faith Leaders are responsible, along with the teacher and chosen class members to lead this each week.

Every classroom has a 'Liturgy Toolkit' to help support them.


This Toolkit provides pupils with:

  • Some of the tools to plan a daily Act of Worship
  • A range of meaningful themes drawn from a range of resources and the seasons of the Liturgical Year
  • Ideas and resources to ensure that pupils know the traditional prayers of the Church
  • Some ideas they could choose from for each part of the liturgy
  • Confidence in using the correct structure
  • Inspiration on ways to gather, respond to the Word and going forth with the good news.


Ways to GATHER


  • Make the sign of the cross
  • Play reflective music as you gather
  • Ring the bell until everyone is gathered
  • Make the sign of the cross on your forehead and heart
  • Sit in a circle, light a candle and remember that Jesus is the light of the world
  • Pass round a bowl of water, dip your fingers and make the sign of the cross
  • Pass round a symbol or object to remember Jesus and that we all belong to God’s family

Sing –Come and Join the Circle  -Bernadette Farrell


Ways that you could - RESPOND TO THE WORD


  • Drop a pebble in a bowl of water remembering the important message of God’s word that you have just heard and saying a silent prayer in your heart
  • Together, pray a litany of thanks to God in response to the Word you have listened to
  • Pray silently to God about what you feel and what ideas you have about hearing the word
  • Reflect on what God is saying to you in the ‘Word’ today. What is God saying to you today? Talk to God in your heart. When you have finished make a sign of the cross in the water bowl
  • Reflect on the word you have heard and write a prayer on a cut out leaf in response to it. Share your prayer with the class and make a prayer tree
  • Listen to some of the reflective music and place the word you have just listened to in the centre of the circle. Use collage materials (flowers, glass beads…) to surround the word. Say a prayer to thank God for his word.
  • Think about the times you have forgotten to talk to God, ask God for forgiveness
  • Place a stone at the foot of the cross whilst the class prays for you in their heart


Some ideas for how to - Go Forth -


  • Find a few moments in the day to say ‘thank you’ to God
  • Greet someone with a smile
  • Tell someone in another class what you have prayed about today
  • Be an example of Jesus today: help someone in need, share with someone, be kind, look after our world
  • Care for God’s world by picking up a piece of litter
  • Do something helpful at home
  • Invite someone who is lonely to play with you
  • Care for God’s world by picking up piece of litter
  • Do something helpful at home      
  • Invite someone who is lonely to play with you at break time
  • Take a few moments during the day to say a quiet prayer in your classroom prayer corner


Class Prayer Tables
