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St Richard's Catholic

Primary School

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Late/Absence Procedures

Reporting your child absent from school due to illness or emergency unforeseen circumstances. 


If your child is absent from school, please phone the office first thing in the morning (before children are due in school)  to inform us of their absence. It is also helpful to inform the school if your child is going to be arriving late for any reason. Our phone system has an answering service especially for reporting lateness and absence. 


Please ensure that you provide the following information when leaving a message:

  • Your child's name and class
  • Your name and contact number
  • Reason for absence or lateness


It is important that if your child is unwell you keep him/her at home until fully recovered, this is 48 hours since the last instance in the case of sickness or diarrhoea.


From the age of 5 years a school education is compulsory for children. As a school we are obliged to monitor attendance and to make contact with parents and carers if a child is not in school for a reported reason. 


Please try to organise any medical appointments out of school time to avoid disruption of the school day for both your child and others in their class. We do appreciate that this isn't always possible. If you have an appointment for your child during school hours please inform the school before hand. 


If your child has a minor accident during the school day they will be seen by a trained First Aider and the incident will be recorded in the school accident book. The school will contact you immediately if your child is unwell or has a serious injury during the school day and you may be required to collect them. If a child has a head bump we will always call you to let you know and explain how you can monitor your child for signs of concussion at home. 

