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Oak, Sycamore and Willow (Years 1/2)

Key Stage One  

Welcome to the Key Stage One Class Page. We will use this page to share what the children have been up to, as well as sharing important information and resources with you. 
In Key Stage One we endeavour to develop the children’s knowledge and understanding of the world in a fun and creative way, building upon their experiences from Reception and working together to help your child to achieve their very best in the key skills for life-long learning. We believe that continuing to build good relationships between the staff, children and parents are integral to a successful Year 1/2.  We follow the  ‘RED’ RE programme to help guide the children on their faith journey, encouraging them to grow in their religious literacy and understanding. The themes we will be following are outlined on the curriculum newsletter for each term. 

We are always here to support you, so please drop us an email if you have any questions:

Oak Class

Class Teacher:  Miss Bennett

Teaching Assistant: Mrs McGreal



Sycamore Class

Class Teachers: Mrs Field and Mrs Wojcik

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Crisp and Mrs Rowe


Willow Class

Class Teacher:  Mr Parsons

Teaching Assistant: Mrs Carpenter

Mrs Wojcik's group for Arundel Castle 2024
