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St Richard's Catholic

Primary School

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New Parents Information

Congratulations on being offered a place at St Richard's School for your child in September 2024 and welcome to our school family. 


There is a lot of information on the school website about life at St Richard's. We use the site to keep parents and families updated on school news so please do check in on a regular basis as well as keeping an eye on Parentmail for updates. 


When your child joins school we need a lot of information from you to enable us to care for your child and keep them safe, keep in contact with you and protect the data we hold for you. You will be given all of the forms you will need to complete before your child joins us and it is very important that you complete as much information as possible. (There are printable copies of the forms below.)


If you need any support completing the forms please do contact the school office on 01243 784549 and we will be very happy to help. 


If your child is going to be joining our Reception Classes in September there will be lots of opportunity for both you and your child to meet their new teachers, visit the school and ask any questions you may have.



