Welcome to Rocketeers Childcare
Rocketeers is a wraparound childcare club at St Richard's School providing a caring, engaging and interactive experience for school aged children where the emphasis is on learning in a safe and fun environment. The before, after school and holiday clubs we run are designed to provide the best possible care and experience for all the children in our charge with a wide range of activities that support and reinforce the ethos of the school. The clubs are run by school staff who are familiar with the children and the back off booking and administration is run separately by the Horsham team.
With each new day, we strive to give the children a choice in what they do and we provide a varied range of resources, games and equipment for them to choose from. We actively encourage them to make new friends and participate in the rich diversity of planned activities.
Rocketters opens at 7.30am every day and children can stay until 6.00pm.
To register interest or book a place call 01403 371020 or by mail enquiries@rocketeerschildcare.co.uk