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Prayer, Liturgy and Collective Worship

Prayer, Liturgy and Collective Worship


Joining together as a school community to worship is a key part of the faith life of our school.  This is an essential part of our routine  and is offered as part of a wider opportunity for pupils and adults to encounter faith by engaging in conversations about God, both as individuals and together.  Collective worship helps to build community cohesion by creating a consistent structure around the core values and symbols of our Catholic faith and an occasion to explore and understand the values at the heart of our ethos. From forgiveness and humility, to gratitude and justice, collective worship gives pupils a space and time to reflect.


We celebrate Mass together at the start of each term and at key points of the Church year such as Advent and Lent, and also on Holy Days of Obligation.  All members of our school community - whether Catholic, Christian, another faith or no faith - are very warmly welcome to attend our school Masses.  These are times for our community to come together and everyone in our St Richard's family is invited.  


St Richard's Prayer:


Thanks be to thee,

Lord Jesus Christ,

for all the benefits

which thou hast won for us,

for all the pains and insults

which thou hast borne for us.


O most merciful redeemer, friend and brother,

may we know thee more clearly,

love thee more dearly,

and follow thee more nearly,

day by day.



Class Liturgy - throughout the school, children help to lead and celebrate weekly class liturgies, helping develop and foster an understanding and appreciation of prayer and the sacraments.

My hands are yours.mp4

Still image for this video

During the year we come together to mark special occasions too. We shared a special whole school Liturgy together to honour Mary, Mother of God. May is a month where all around the world, people come together to remember and celebrate Mary. She was the first to hear about the mission of Jesus and her faith came from an understanding of the great gifts that God had given her, especially the gift of her son. Each class presented their flowers and then we crowned Mary’s statue. By following Mary, we can see how to love Jesus more deeply and appreciate how much he loves us.
