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Prayer, Liturgy and Collective Worship

Prayer, Liturgy and Collective Worship



Prayer and Worship at St Richard's Progression Document

To love You more dearly - Prayer and Liturgy Directory

Class Liturgy -throughout the school, children help to lead and celebrate weekly class liturgies, helping develop and foster an understanding and appreciation of prayer and the sacraments.

My hands are yours.mp4

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During the year we come together to mark special occasions too. We shared a special whole school Liturgy together to honour Mary, Mother of God. May is a month where all around the world, people come together to remember and celebrate Mary. She was the first to hear about the mission of Jesus and her faith came from an understanding of the great gifts that God had given her, especially the gift of her son. Each class presented their flowers and then we crowned Mary’s statue. By following Mary, we can see how to love Jesus more deeply and appreciate how much he loves us.

Collective Worship Policy
