Welcome to our SEND page
Hello, my name is Karen Courquin and I am the Special Needs and Disability Co-ordinator(SENDCo) for St Richard’s Catholic Primary School.
Sometimes, children need additional support in school, whether it be for their academic learning, social and emotional health needs, physical needs or with communication.
All our teachers are teachers of SEND, planning carefully to meet the needs of all children in our classes. In my role as SENDCo, I oversee, advise and support teachers in ensuring the appropriate provision is available for our children with additional needs. We use the ‘West Sussex Ordinarily Inclusive Practice’ guide to inform our planning and approach to teaching children with additional needs.
A copy of this document can be found below.
If you have concerns about your child’s learning or their well-being, your first port of call should be to speak to their Class Teacher. If needed you can also make an appointment to see me or if it is a well-being or family matter, you may like to make an appointment with Mrs McGoohan.
Sometimes, we may find it beneficial to seek further advice from one or more of the following agencies to better support the children:
We work closely with these services to help us better support your child.