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2019 Lenten Appeal - Catholic Childrens Society "Shine your light."

Catholic Children’s

Society - Lenten    Appeal 2019 

“Shine your Light”

This year we will be   supporting the Catholic Children’s Society as part of our Lenten Appeal ‘Shine Your Light’.


The appeal will focus on talents and children will learn about how they can use their talents to make the world a brighter place, and how the CCS helps to bring light to the lives of disadvantaged children. 


We would be grateful if you could support your children in their fundraising during Lent. The children will be bringing home a collection box, all funds raised will go to CCS     supporting the charity in providing mental health service, family support, and emergency grants to local vulnerable children and families.


If you would prefer to donate on line you can do so by   following this link. Thank you for your support.

